8 Junk American Values That Are Making You Unhappy

Here are several values a lot of Americans buy into…and they make us miserable

Brooke Meredith
Mind Cafe


image by Thomas Kelley from Unsplash.com

#1- Money over Meaning

A lot of people throughout the world, not just in America, think that being rich is the be-all, end-all.

In America, though, this has become a particular hunger over the last couple of decades, especially since our economy is stacked in their favor. The top 1% earners take home the majority of money in this country right now, and the bottom half take home way, way, less.

It also makes sense, to some degree, that Millenials would prize a high paycheck over most other things because a majority of Millenials are drowning in student debt. Thus, a high paycheck feels like their only hope of ever living more freely and actually being able to afford a decent life.

Lastly, inflation makes a significant paycheck feel especially necessary since the cost of housing in this country has skyrocketed over the past two decades, though wages have remained largely stagnant. And it’s not just housing that’s gotten more expensive. Other stuff, like food, has too.

But, even with all of these dispiriting hard truths about the current state of economics and money in America, the truth

