8 Meta-Habits to Make 2021 Your Breakthrough Year

This is not a pointless collection of random habits.

Liz Huber
Mind Cafe


Photo by Cata on Unsplash

Most articles that start with phrases like:

  • 10 habits
  • 7 ways
  • 99 things

…are a completely random collection of tips that are — if you are lucky — somewhat associated with the thing you are trying to achieve.

We love to click on these headlines because they satisfy our need for instant gratification. We somehow think they will give us a quick-fix to whatever issue we are trying to solve.

This article is different — even though the title is the same.

I am not going to tell you to meditate daily and to turn off your phone more— even if these are great habits to adopt if you want to change your life. Instead, I am going to share with you 8 extremely powerful meta-habits that will transform your life no matter what you want to achieve.

They work if you want to lose weight. They work if you want to make more money. They work if you want to get promoted at your job or find a new job. They work if you want to have better relationships.

If you can make these 8 meta-habits part of who you are, your life will get exponentially better. Implementing one of them…

