9–5 Workers Would Be Happier If They Valued Their Time Properly

Valuing your time to maximize happiness

Ben Le Fort
Mind Cafe
Published in
5 min readMar 13, 2024


Photo by Magnet.me on Unsplash

Here’s a question more people need to think deeply about:

How do you value your time?

Personal finance — and most things in life — is largely determined by how you trade the world’s two most valuable resources: time and money.

Many people agonize over how they value money but don’t put nearly enough thought into valuing their time.

But focusing on valuing your time could lead to a greater work-life balance, a more sustainable career, and a happier life.

Let’s dive into the details.

Two competing ways to value your time

A 2021 paper titled “ On the value of time: Workers’ value of their time depends on mode of valuation” offers two primary ways in which employees value their time while working.

  • Fixed-Time Mode: workers decide the minimum payment they’d accept for a fixed amount of time spent working.
  • Fixed-Money Mode: Workers decide the maximum time they’d work for a fixed amount of money.

Will the fixed time mode or fixed money mode lead to a happier life?



Ben Le Fort
Mind Cafe

I write about behavioral finance & evidence based investing. Want to work with me? e: info@benlefort.com Here's my Substack: https://benlefort.substack.com/