9 Simple Things to Do Tonight For a Dramatically Better Tomorrow

Use your evenings to build momentum.

Anthony J. Yeung
Mind Cafe


Photo by Mak Mozza on Unsplash

While many articles focus on your morning routine, don’t overlook your evening routine. Because what you do the night before can greatly impact your success, health, and happiness the following day.

The hardest part about a nighttime routine, however, is by the end of a long day, your willpower is fried, which makes it a lot easier to binge your favorite TV show than it is to do something productive.

That’s why I’ll share quick and easy things that will greatly improve your quality of life. You’ll create a positive loop where you build momentum from your nighttime routine, which flows into your morning routine, which flows into your nighttime routine, and so on.

Add what you can into your nightly ritual and I promise you’ll feel a huge difference the next morning.

Power Off

For an incredible day tomorrow, you need a great night of sleep tonight. Yet one of the biggest and most common enemies to sleep is using electronics right before bed.

Things like watching TV, checking your phone, playing video games, or staring at your computer affect your body’s circadian rhythm and make it hard to get rejuvenating sleep because…



Anthony J. Yeung
Mind Cafe

Seen in Esquire, GQ, & Men's Health. Founder. Full-time traveler (4.5 years & counting). Upgrade your life w/ my 5 life hacks→ https://bit.ly/2IDx15y