9 Subtle Signs You Could be Emotionally Drained

#4: You feel like you are losing control of your emotions.

Lara Hayes
Mind Cafe


Photo by Yuris Alhumaydy on Unsplash

We live in a society that prides itself in being productive, achieving unrealistic goals and working hard. So it’s no surprise that many people feel like they have nothing left to give after a long day, no matter how much rest they get.

Emotional exhaustion is a state of feeling emotionally worn-out and drained as a result of accumulated stress from your personal or work life — or a combination of both.

Nowadays, mental health is more important than ever, so if you aren’t sure if you are emotionally exhausted, look closely into your life for these nine habits that emotionally drained people have.

1. You Lack Motivation

Picture this: you work hard to get things done, to get a promotion at work, or to be the best in class, but you have forgotten all about your passions.

When you reach a point of emotional exhaustion, passion projects usually lose their appeal, as you become hyper-focused on reaching external goals. Because of that, emotionally drained people tend to forget to take breaks, thinking that when they reach their goals, they will be content, so they can’t waste any time resting. However, without taking the time to…



Lara Hayes
Mind Cafe

Seasoned writer and Head of Marketing at a software firm. I have a degree in International Business and Digital Marketing. Welcome to my 2 a.m. thoughts :)