9 Things You Should Do When You Wake Up

To have a successful, productive day, it’s important to start it off the best way you can. Here are some tips!

Brian Rowe
Mind Cafe


Photo by Alan Ko at Unsplash

I don’t know if it’s my creative sensibilities that have always drawn me to the night rather than the morning, but I always struggle to do anything productive in the first hour after I wake up.

So many mornings I wake up and do two uninspired things…

  • Check my phone, look at new e-mails and my social media feeds
  • Turn on the TV and watch the news for an hour, usually CBS This Morning

I’ve been lucky this semester to get teaching assignments in the afternoon, so my mornings have mostly been free seven days a week since August.

The problem with filling my life with screens for the first hour of the day is that it completely sucks away my productivity. I struggle to get inspired when I’ve been watching TV for too long in the morning and have been glued to my phone and have gotten pretty much nothing accomplished. It’s relaxing, I guess, but it doesn’t do a thing for my productivity.

In the last few days, I’ve tried to mix up my activities when I wake up, and I’ve finally started having much more success throughout the morning… and more productivity…

