9 Traits of People Who Thrive in Life, No Matter What

Trait #4: They jump out of airplanes

Michael Touchton
Mind Cafe


Photo by Neora Aylon on Unsplash

Being adaptable is about having a strong internal life that can keep you grounded when your external life is a raging ocean. But people that are highly adaptable weren’t necessarily born with the traits needed to thrive in life, no matter what.

They learned the right lessons to become this kind of person. Either they learned by necessity in order to survive life’s (sometimes cruel) challenges, or they intentionally sought out opportunities to grow. That’s good news. It means it’s possible for you to become this kind of person as well.

“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”
Viktor E. Frankl

Here are 9 common traits that define people who thrive in life, no matter what.

1. They Ask Others for Constructive Criticism

These people live to learn. They have a growth mindset. They don’t think too highly of themselves and they don’t expect to do everything perfectly. In fact, they expect to fail and to fail often. And when they do, they go out of their way to ask those around them for constructive criticism and advice…

