A 21st Century Approach to Mind Training (aka Meditation)

Heighten the heart mind connection.

Holly Erin Copeland
Mind Cafe


In case you haven’t noticed, the world is in the midst of a meditation revolution. As reported by the CDC, people reporting use of meditation tripled to 14% from 2012 to 2017 in the US. And with good reason, the scientific evidence that meditation changes your brain and mind in beneficial ways is irrefutable.

Meditation trains you to befriend your inner landscape — to rest the mind and access the calm and clear Self within. Ultimately meditation is a technique to awaken with our deepest knowing of who we truly are and attain a state of consciousness that is totally different from the normal waking state.

For beginners especially, it can be quite confusing to determine what type of meditation to do and how to begin. It may seem as though there are numerous types, but actually “meditation” generally falls into four broad categories: focused attention, mindfulness, open heart, and quiet mind (aka open monitoring).

Different meditation styles affect the brain differently, so, depending on the core challenge — ADHD/ADD, anxiety, and depression for example — it helps to actually practice a meditation technique targeting the brain region most in need of training, though science has also shown that the Default Mode…



Holly Erin Copeland
Mind Cafe

Coach, Sound Healer, and Meditation Teacher. Uses the power of breath, frequency and intention to heal body, mind and soul. http://heartmindalchemy.com.