A Guide to Finding Happiness In Hard Times

Even in difficult circumstances, we can learn to thrive on happiness.

Craig Pennell
Mind Cafe


There’s a lot going on in my life right now. I have a lot on my mind that could easily be influencing how I feel. So how do I find happiness in hard times, especially when happiness seems to depend so much on how I feel?

How I feel inside is going to be reflected in how I live out my day. It’s going to affect how I look, how I dress, how I interact with just about every living thing on the planet. My feelings give me energy or sap my strength away. They are going to make me fly high, or have me going around in circles.

But it is possible to find some happiness in the hard times, and it starts when we decide to stop being a slave to our feelings.

The Rise and Fall of Feelings

When my mother was diagnosed with cancer last year, my feelings went into overdrive. My thoughts became clouded with unspoken fears as my mind dwelt on questions and what-if scenarios. I was in uncharted territory and didn’t know how to deal with what I was feeling.

As my life became more and more driven by my feelings, it seemed like I had jumped onto an emotional roller-coaster that never stopped. Ever experienced that?



Craig Pennell
Mind Cafe

Exploring the wonder of life, embracing the possibilities each day brings, journeying together with beautiful people