A Powerful Life Lesson on Fate From A Fable About A Chinese Farmer

Ancient Eastern philosophy being weaved into a beautiful little story.

Alen Bašić
Mind Cafe


“Old Fisherman” by Wai Ming: Source

I just lost my wallet for the second time in 10 days. Yes, that’s right. I lost everything, my travel cards, my ID, my credit cards, gym membership cards. Quite unlucky some may say.

But then I replaced it all, so I had a fresh new wallet and all my cards back in my possession around 5 days after losing everything. The burden of misfortune had now disappeared.

But then yesterday, I lost it all again. Misfortune. “Why am I so unlucky…” I kept repeating to myself as I would beat myself up mentally. Now the question here is, what is misfortune? Are these series of events really unlucky, or is that just my perception of something that is far simpler.

Fortune, misfortune, luck, or fate? How about we disregard these things and just go with life. Let’s dissect this idea with a story about a Chinese farmer by my favorite philosopher Alan Watts.

The Story of the Chinese Farmer

Once upon a time there was a Chinese farmer whose horse ran away. That evening, all of his neighbors came around to discuss it. They said, “We are so sorry to hear your horse has run away. This is so…



Alen Bašić
Mind Cafe

Harnessing the skill of writing and storytelling to change my life. Join me on my journey of making life more purposeful https://theintrovertedthinker.carrd.co/