A Simple Psychological Test to Know If Someone Is Genuinely Interested In You

This trick works best in group situations.

Zulie Rane
Mind Cafe


Happy woman speaking on smartphone with cup of tea
Photo by George Milton from Pexels

There I was, sweating in my party dress in the August sunshine, desperately trying to impress a woman named Lucy. Lucy was cool, she was pretty, and she seemed to like me, too. I was unbelievably nervous but hopeful about our potential future as friends.

“So what kind of books do you enjoy reading?” I asked her. It’s my go-to ice breaker because books are an easy subject for most people to talk about.

“Oh! I love romcoms most. The old school stuff was bad, but the newer books are right up my street,” she said.

“Definitely!” I replied. “Nothing better than a happy ending.”

Then she did something that is very, very rare in group conversations. She asked me a simple reciprocal question.

“What about you? What books do you like most?” Lucy asked, oblivious to the fact that she’d just blown my mind.

It was at that exact moment that I realized she was genuinely interested in me as a person.

We suck at meeting new people.

The tragic thing about humanity is that we care so much about making a good first impression that stress ruins…



Zulie Rane
Mind Cafe

Writer and cat mom. Opinions are my own. This is my just-for-fun profile! My official Medium profile is @Zulie_at_Medium.