A Three-Step Guide to Using Negative Situations to Your Advantage

How to get from victim to sage mode, even when you don’t feel like it.

Dr. Louise Schriewer
Mind Cafe


“I don’t want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.”
― Oscar Wilde

I think many of us can relate to Oscar Wilde’s desire to have some control over his emotions, particularly the disruptive ones. And yet, the reality often looks very different.

For instance, I recently talked to a coaching client who was pretty upset about something that had happened.

My client, let’s call her Mary (not her real name), is a mindful and self-aware person who meditates. However, she just couldn’t let go of the negative emotions she was feeling about a particular negative incident.

If you’re like me, you’ve probably experienced the same thing at some point: despite wanting to get over our reaction to an event, we sometimes just can’t. We keep on cycling back to an intense, unpleasant emotion again and again and again.

That’s what Mary was going through when we talked. As she expressed her bewilderment about how hard it was to get rid of those unwanted feelings, I explained that…



Dr. Louise Schriewer
Mind Cafe

Work Happiness Wizard for passionate souls & purpose-seekers. Lawyer/academic turned professional wizard (I mean, coach...). www.workyoulovecoach.com