Academic Burnout is Real And Cost Me My Job. Here’s How I Survived

If you think you might be burned out, diagnose yourself with these steps and get immediate relief to reclaim your life

Dr Nicole Janz, Book Coach
Mind Cafe


Photo: Canva with Licensed Permission

Academic burnout is real.

Especially for women.

Women do more pastoral care and admin work in Universities. They carry more of the family obligations (a.k.a. unpaid work) at home, and earn less than men for their work.

No wonder academic women burn out.

And it happened to me, too.

Burnout cost me my job as a tenured assistant professor.

And it took a long time to recover physically and mentally.

Now, as a coach, I see my story repeated in countless academic women.

I have to hold back my own anger when I see how the toxic system soaks up intelligent, inspiring and creative women — only to spit them out exhausted and disillusioned.

This article is for you if you’re an academic woman and you’ve:

  • given academia all you’ve got, but it never feels enough
  • you work evenings, weekends, and holidays, feeling like you’ll never catch up on your teaching, admin and research



Dr Nicole Janz, Book Coach
Mind Cafe

Helping non-fiction writers clarify their key message and publish their book.