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All It Takes to Be Happy Is Practice

Happiness is not mysterious or unattainable. It just takes knowledge and practice.

Sam Holstein
Published in
6 min readMar 13, 2021


Growing up, the message I got from the culture surrounding me was that happiness was a mysterious force of the Universe. Everyone wanted to be happy, and everyone experienced happiness sometimes, but whether and how much you did was up to mysterious forces beyond human comprehension. Some people were blessed with lifetimes of happiness and satisfaction, and the rest of us poor fuckers were not.

Many people carry this attitude into adulthood. They wish for more happiness, and sometimes they even see therapists to complain about why they aren’t happy, but ultimately, they don’t believe they’re in control of their own happiness. They’re not asking their therapists how they can become happy, they’re asking their therapists how they can cope with their shitty life until the Universe decides to bless them with a happy one.

Surprise: The Universe is never going to bless you with a happy life because it’s not up to the Universe to give you that.

Quote generators and insufferably philosophical people like to say “Happiness comes from inside.” They’re right. Happiness doesn’t come from external circumstances, it comes from a person’s internal thoughts and attitudes toward life.



Sam Holstein
Mind Cafe

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