An Experiment in Self-Care: 10 Strategies to Create Peace

Here are the shifts I made to go from stressed to sublime.

Mind Cafe


Have you ever forgotten to take care of yourself?

Between the compression of time, family obligations, work commitments, and daily life, taking proper care of ourselves seems to be the first thing to fall by the wayside.

What we neglect always catches up with us sooner or later. Putting off a doctor’s appointment? Watch the problems and costs multiply. Ignoring a health condition? It’s still there. Everyone these days is busy, but it’s still important to prioritize all facets of our health.

This is something that I learned first-hand through the collapse of my health, and with the rebuilding of a new and more sustainable daily routine.

A decade or so ago, I had a demanding job on the East Coast, working long hours in a high-stress environment. I enjoyed the fast pace and dynamic atmosphere, but I never practiced any self-care to offset the stressful lifestyle.

I only pushed myself harder, and I lived in a constant state of anxiety to achieve more, be more, do more. Nothing was ever enough and I constantly pushed my body to the limit with exercise, too little sleep, and a demanding schedule.



Mind Cafe

Writer and editor with a background in animal behavior, journalism, philosophy, psychology & spirituality.