Four Life Lessons We Can All Learn From Spiders

Insights from our eight-legged friends.

Dr. Audrey
Mind Cafe


Today, fall sun streams through tall windows. From the sofa, I admire the golden glow and bask in welcome warmth. I watch as late September sunbeams sweep the room with yellow fingertips, touching each corner with light.

In the air, dust motes swirl. And spider webs appear.

There, on the ceiling. And there, in the corner of the window. Oh, and also there, along the wall’s far edge, and trailing from the tall glass shelf standing by the hall. In the golden light, the webs dance and turn, glimmering in the sun.

I sigh. I’ll have to get the broom and chair, stretching high to knock them down.

Why are they there? I wonder, studying the webs in wonder and annoyance. What’s their purpose? What’s the mission of these spiders and what is the purpose of their unwanted web weaving on my windows and walls?

I wanted answers. So I open my laptop and look into the world of the spider web.

The Lessons We Can Learn From Spiders

As I searched away, it became clear to me that there are four key lessons that we can all learn from the humble lives of our eight-legged friends.



Dr. Audrey
Mind Cafe

Life is better with words — and dark chocolate.