Are We Having Fun Yet?

When is the last time you had pure, unadulterated fun in your adult life?

Meagon Nolasco
Mind Cafe


Definition of fun (per Merriam-Webster dictionary)

1: what provides amusement or enjoyment

specifically: playful often boisterous action or speech: full of fun

2: a mood for finding or making amusement: all in fun

Recently a dear friend of mine shared with me a podcast episode that has left fun in the forefront of my mind for weeks. Glennon Doyle, and her beloved sister, host a weekly podcast called We Can Do Hard Things. The topic of the podcast this last week was fun. The two women, and Glennon’s wife Abby Wombach, discussed what fun is and isn’t, the difficulties women, in particular, find with experiencing fun, and how to find more fun in their respective lives.

I listened to this podcast and had one of those comedic aha moments, proverbial lightbulb included. What in the hell was fun for me? This question when posed probably sparks many immediate answers for you. Let me narrow the scope. Fun is not your work, career, or job. Those activities may bring you joy but you do not perform them for the sole reason of finding fun in them. Fun is also not that thing your son, daughter, husband, wife, group of friends or dog enjoy doing that you also tag along…

