Are You A Hammer Looking For A Nail?

It might be time to figure out if you’re the tool.

Mary Liga
Mind Cafe


I don’t start arguments.

In fact, I barely have the stomach for a heated debate. It’s just not me.

Which explains why I find the person who has a real hankering for hot, verbal entanglements so off-putting.

Let’s refer to them as hammers.

The worst part about this tool is that they are under some delusion that they’re just talking and that if anyone is offended or annoyed by their taunts it’s their problem. They’re just being honest.

Okay, hammer. It’s the nail's fault.

This is a public service memo on behalf of all the other nails out there to the hammers of the world in the hopes they will have an epiphany and ease up on their fiery, often uncalled-for attack-dog rhetoric.

Not sure if you’re a hammer? Here’s how you know.

You’re circling like a buzzard waiting to dive in

If you dip in and out of conversations waiting for an “in” so you can start scooting your soapbox over as you clear your throat…you’re a hammer.

Joining in on conversations is not a bad thing, in fact, I’m a huge fan of the more the merrier when…



Mary Liga
Mind Cafe

Margarita-loving copywriter, life coach, home design junkie, and host of The Badass Midlife Podcast.