Are You Being Seduced by Bigger, Better, and More?

There are easier ways to be happy.

Kim Duke
Mind Cafe


Photo by Luke Bender on Unsplash

My husband likes to dream about winning the lottery. He says, “I’d get a bigger boat, and we’d buy a condo in Hawaii!” I laugh and say he has One-Foot-I-Tis Syndrome as boat owners always want a boat that is a little bigger.

Thankfully, I know he doesn’t live in the world of bigger, better and more.

We’ve both learned the phrase is best when applied to the softer sides of life that are far more important than a bigger boat.

Once when I was in my 20s, I was out with my friends and we were celebrating something which I no longer remember. I raised my glass and said, “My favorite word is more! Here’s to more!” And we all cheered and laughed and clinked our glasses.

Sheesh. I look back and I roll my eyes at myself.

I called it the BBM. Bigger. Better. More. I wanted more money, more acknowledgment, and more travel. I wanted a bigger office, a better and fancier car as I thought it was a fast way to be happy.

I was too young and immature to know that Bigger, Better and More come with price tags attached.

Create Space to Savor Your Life



Kim Duke
Mind Cafe

I happily write about food, nature, and quirks of life. Creator of Scribbly: a snail mail writing program that you need in your life!