Become Your Own Dream Therapist and Deepen Your Self-Relationship

What you dream is uncontrollable, but how you perceive them is.

Lens of Rose
Mind Cafe


A blonde haried caucasian woman is asleep in her bed, placed below her bedroom window. The entire bed linens are a dusky brown colour; the pillows, the textured duvet, the bed sheets. All the same colour. Her head is laying on its right hand side. Only part of her slightly tanned face is visible, as the blanket is covering everything from her ear downward. Her dirty blonde hair is tied in a messy bun. She looks like she is resting peacefully.
Photo by Gregory Pappas on Unsplash

It all started with a nightmare. It was so tremendously vivid and graphic that I decided to turn it into a story. You would think that after having such a nightmare, the last thing anyone would want to do is attempt to remember the experience enough to be able to describe it in words.

But I have found certain processes involved in writing out dreams lead to a deeper understanding of why they transpire.

This is how you can do this for yourself and rapidly transform your self-relationship in the process.

Dream therapy

The main goal of dream therapy is to help people address their real-life problems by analysing their dreams. Although dream interpretation can date back to as early as Ancient Greece, it was Sigmund Freud’s book, The Interpretation of Dreams that formerly introduced it as a standard technique in psychotherapy back in 1899.

A recent analysis of dream reports shows that most dreams are a continuation of what is happening in someone’s everyday life. However, conflicting findings note that dream interpretation has lost some of its significance due to transference and countertransference



Lens of Rose
Mind Cafe

Low-budget cinematic filming in search of life's difficult answers. Designing for bills, filming for thrills. 🎢 [ Ep1 "Happy" Pills? - now filming ] 🎥