Being “Fine” Is Kryptonite to Living a Simple Life

It’s hardest to make a change when everything is “OK I suppose”

Charlie Brown
Mind Cafe


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Making change when everything has gone to sh*t is easy.

When you hit rock bottom, you feel like you’ve got nothing to lose. So why not?

Not so easy when things are going… fine.

When someone asks you about your job, your relationship, your living situation, your life and you say:

…Yeah, it’s OK.

…then when it comes to building a simpler life, you may find it harder than you think.

Being “fine” = intertia

Being fine is kryptonite to living a simple life because living simply is an extremely active lifestyle. There is no room for the inertia that comes with being fine and accepting your lot.

Living simply means being in a constant state of re-evaluation. Of living intentionally and with an enormous dollop of self-awareness.

It’s not a lifestyle where “fine” cuts the mustard because that constant re-evaluation is freaking hard when you’re always in a state of Meh, I’m OK I suppose. Can’t complain.

But what’s the alternative? To have a life full of breaking points where you finally crack…



Charlie Brown
Mind Cafe

Writer of opinions. Wine & food pro. Editor of Rooted, a boostable Medium food & drink pub. Niche-avoidant. Also at