Being Kind to Yourself — Recognize When You’re Being Too Hard on Yourself

Happiness only comes when you do less and remain imperfect

Jerren Gan
Mind Cafe


Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

“I am a big believer in the fact that work-life balance is all baloney.”

That’s what bank CEO Piyush Gupta said in a recent interview.

And while you might think since mental well-being is valued more today, he might have gone on to explain that workers should be putting more emphasis on ‘life’, he goes in the completely opposite direction.

He goes on to explain that he “believe[s] that work is part of life” since “your friends are there, your colleagues are there, your impact is there, your growth is there, your income is there”.

A whole load of baloney if you ask me.

Of course, I’m not saying that everyone should be quiet quitting and doing the bare minimum for work. I’m not suggesting that we throw all our work responsibilities away and live life hedonistically.

But if you look around, it is obvious that as a whole, society is overworked.

Because there are so many different specializations, the pursuit of perfection seems to be a common goal. Look around at the self-help section and you’ll find tons of books about becoming better, faster, and…



Jerren Gan
Mind Cafe

Systems Engineer and Physicist | Writing about the environment, mental health, science, and how all of them come together to create society as we know it.