Benjamin Franklin: 4 Fastest Ways to Make People Like You in 5 Minutes or Less

Be *that* person everyone treasures.

Noorain Ali
Mind Cafe


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We all have heard this quote: A friend in need is a friend indeed!

To me, this quote appears exaggerated (over-kill). Upon researching, I found that this quote belongs to Benjamin Franklin, founder of the Ben Franklin effect.

Benjamin grew up penniless. Without education, Benjamin knew all doors were sealed for him. That’s when he started rehearsing fresh ways to blend with people.

As a veteran of ‘public speaking,’ Benjamin turned his enemies in his favor. Despite the untutored childhood, Ben’s true-grit tactics are applicable 232 years later.

  • Pretty interesting, right?

It’s time to unfold the mind’s bedsheet and view 4 life lessons from Ben Franklin to make people like you.

1. Ask for a favor

What is your go-to technique to impress people?


  • You compliment them
  • Talk in a deeply-pleasing manner
  • Smile

But Ben Franklin’s method is quite the opposite of what we do. Ben Franklin effect means: asking someone a favor.



Noorain Ali
Mind Cafe

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