Can You Be the Best AND Be Happy?

It doesn’t have to be lonely at the top.

Chris Wojcik
Mind Cafe


Photo by Mulyadi on Unsplash

The rate of depression and anxiety in elite athletes could be as high as 45%. That number is several times higher than the rate of mental illness in traditional careers that have the most mental illness. Athletes are more likely to be depressed than overworked lawyers, bus drivers, or realtors.

Part of the problem could be the ridiculous expectations athletes put on themselves, and part of it could be the evils that come with pursuing competitive endeavors at the highest level.

I mean, I’m a former world champion in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. If anyone should be happy, it’s me, right?

The truth is, it’s lonely at the top, and it doesn’t have to be. Whether you’re an athlete, entrepreneur, writer, or any other kind of successful person, you can be happy and the best. Here’s how.

Have You Found a Healthy “Why”?

According to the legendary philosopher and Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl, the most powerful driving force that we can have in life is meaning.

Of the various ways that one can find meaning, “suffering” seems to be the one that is most popular in Western culture. This is twisted as heck because suffering should be a last resort to finding…

