Can’t Stay Active During Quarantine?

You need a fitness goal.

Suzie Leigh
Mind Cafe


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

I work at a CrossFit gym. It’s a busy, bustling place where, every day, a hundred or so people filter in and out at different times to sweat alongside their friends.

At least, that’s how it was before COVID-19. Our gym has now been empty for nearly three weeks.

Like many other gyms, we’ve started offering virtual classes through Zoom, and we’ve even gone above and beyond to provide our members with at-home versions of our daily workouts, complete with video demonstrations, coaching tips, and personalized modification instructions. Yet even with all of this, many still struggle to maintain an exercise routine that’s even remotely similar to what they were doing pre-quarantine.

Does this mean they’re lazy, weak, or helpless? Not in the slightest.

Just because you find it hard to keep up with your physical fitness when you’re not under the watchful eye of your coach, or when you’re not able to squat in physical proximity to your favorite gym buddy, doesn’t mean you’re slothful or lazy. Many people aren’t intrinsically motivated to exercise (which is one reason why group fitness is so wildly successful), but that doesn’t make them any less capable.



Suzie Leigh
Mind Cafe

CrossFit coach & personal trainer. B.A. Psychology; M.S. Kinesiology student. I write about health, exercise, and other life things.