Child Stars Prove the Value of Growing Intentionally, Rather than Quickly

We’re all striving for rapid growth — but is an extreme rise to the top actually causing more harm than good?

Gillian Sisley
Mind Cafe


Having been part of the business world for almost four years now, I am all too familiar with the hustling culture of mega ambitious entrepreneurs.

There’s undeniably something beneficial about being encouraged to do your best by your peers, however as many of us as I have figured out by this point there is also a lot of harm that can come from the rapid, tireless, and aggressive hustling nature that our society seems to value so deeply.

I’ve seen it a hundred times before — fellow business owners who sign up for every course, every program, every newsletter, because of this innate fear within them that they’re going to miss that golden thing if they aren’t in the know of every possible thought and idea.

No shock to anyone, this highly ambitious and over-driven culture we’ve created of hustling and neglecting sleep has brought on some dark realities into our lives. Consequences resulting in burnout, depression, exhaustion, and the like.

It’s to those friends and business owners that I try to encourage the most to slow down a little. Because…



Gillian Sisley
Mind Cafe

Professional Storyteller working at Meta ♾️ Tea drinker. Insatiably curious. Writing about relationships, adventure & embracing vulnerability as a superpower ✨