Common Pieces Of Dating Advice That Actually Suck

And why you should completely ignore them.

Kirstie Taylor
Mind Cafe


Dating advice is like folklore passed down through generations.

Whether there’s truth in those words is not of concern. From parent to child, friend to friend, and slightly drunk Aunt to weary niece on Thanksgiving, horrible dating advice continues to be shelled out.

And I get it. Because I fell victim to believing this same kind of advice when I was younger. I’d read magazines and talk with my friends and have my assumptions about how dating worked confirmed time and time again.

But that advice actually sucked, a lot. Though well-intended, I hope, the dating advice we were taught growing up is actually perpetuating unhealthy habits that aren’t doing anyone any good.

And it’s time to sort this all out. Because dating is hard enough; it’s a vulnerable process that’s complicated and lonely at times. You don’t need shitty dating advice being thrown into that cocktail of perpetuated anguish.

So let’s talk about some common pieces of dating advice that you should forever stop listening to if you want a healthy romantic life:

“If there’s no spark on the first date, it’s not meant to be.”



Kirstie Taylor
Mind Cafe

Want to feel confident and secure when dating? Grab my 30-day dating guide, "From Anxious to Secure." // IG: @kirstietaylorr //