Comparing Yourself to Others is Ruining You — Here’s How to Stop it

Comparison is irrational and its implications are damaging, but there is a solution for it.

Omar Itani
Mind Cafe


Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on

I don’t know you, but I think it’s a fair assumption to say that you too suffer from the anxiety, resentment and depressive thoughts that arise when we fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others.

Sometimes it feels like no matter how hard you try to excel in your field, everyone else seems to be more successful than you.


As someone who’s trying to make it as a successful entrepreneur — and now, a writer — I’ve placed heaps of pressure on myself to “succeed” as fast as I can.

I compared myself to the present-day versions of the successful entrepreneurs and thought “I’m not working hard enough, I’m not moving fast enough, I’m not being good enough”.

But therein lies the problem.

An aspiring writer cannot compare himself to a New York Times Bestselling author. Each one is playing on a different level of the game.

We compare ourselves to who we want to become, to the present versions of people whose success we wish to emulate. And in doing so, we completely overlook the time, money, failures…



Omar Itani
Mind Cafe

Exploring the art of slow, simple, and intentional living. I post here every day: More at: