Conquer Fear To Unlock Your Full Potential

Have faith in yourself and take the leap towards greatness.

Jesse Pedersen
Mind Cafe


Benjamin Wedemeyer on Unsplash

Do you want to know what separates a mediocre person from someone truly remarkable?

Fear is the killer of dreams and the greatest limiter of your potential.

Many people are led by fear — they accomplish little because they are afraid of messing up.

The way I see it, the more fears perpetuate in our minds, the fewer risks we will take.

If there’s anything I hope you take home from this piece, it's that:

The greatest success only happens by taking an equally great risk.

Please understand — nothing good comes out of fear.

Fear is often irrational. It leads to stagnation and a limited sphere of influence.

Below, I lay bare some common fears as well as ways to overcome them.

Calm the catastrophes in your mind with action

Most of the time the fears in our heads are blown out of proportion.

It is very rare that they manifest as real-life events.



Jesse Pedersen
Mind Cafe

Troubadour. Truth Seeker. Hopeless Dreamer. Find me on Spotify