Do You Want To Get The High Of Exercising, Meditating, and Having Sex At The Same Time?

“We go to work, and all of a sudden we’re very important, and we’re very efficient, and we’re no longer allowed to leave the house in sweatpants or count ice cream as a food group.”

Michael Brooks
Mind Cafe


Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

Disneyland is the happiest place on earth, right?

If you have ever been to one of the Disney parks, especially with kids in the middle of summer it can seem anything but happy. Cranky crying kids, heat, long lines and exhausting to take it all in.

Yet, for most of us, we can’t wait to go back.

It was that way for me. I went to Disneyland for the first time when I was 10 years old, along with my parents and two sisters. It was the middle of July and my excitement level was through the roof.

We were staying at the Disneyland Hotel and waiting patiently for the opening monorail to the park. Happiest Place on Earth here we come.

It was crowded from the second the park opened and the temperature was close to 100 degrees. Wait times in crowded lines for the rides and attractions approached 2 hours at some venues. Perhaps because I refused to wear a hat and too little sunscreen, I…



Michael Brooks
Mind Cafe

Founder — The Boomer Reinvention Project. I help Baby Boomers discover and monetize their unique purpose in life. Write on Personal Development. Carlsbad, CA