Don’t Let Perfect be the Enemy of the Good

Sometimes good enough is good enough.

Jeffrey Keefer, Ph.D.
Mind Cafe


Photo by Walter Randlehoff on Unsplash

Let’s do a quick check-in to see where we are . . .


Raise your hand if you are a perfectionist.

OK, lower them. Nobody can see you either way, so no sweat. Yet.

Now, for the rest of you . . .

Raise your hand if you did not raise your hand before out of modesty, a feeling of bashfulness, or because you know you are not a perfectionist though believe you should be one, even a little.

I got you with that ‘believe’ you should be one, even a little, ehh?

Raised your hand, perhaps?

Now, for the rest of you who did not raise your hand either time?

Yeah, crickets . . .

Well, we are all in good company.

You see, most people think they should be perfect, or nearly perfect, in some way. Chances are you do, too.

AND it is holding you back.

What is Perfectionism?

Perfectionism often involves setting really high standards of personal performance. Let’s face it, lots of people set high standards of personal performance…



Jeffrey Keefer, Ph.D.
Mind Cafe

Jeffrey M. Keefer, Ph.D.: Educational Strategist & Eco Mindfulness Guide. Transforming busy lives with simple, nature-integrated mindfulness practices.