Eat Your Way to a Great Night’s Sleep

According to a sleep expert, this is what and how you should eat to get some revitalizing shut-eye.

Alexa V.S.
Mind Cafe


Whenever I eat meat for dinner, I dream about zombies. From steak tartare to filet mignon, meat leads to nights where I wake up a few hours after going to bed because of creepy undead corpses.

At first, I thought my strange zombie dreams were a consequence of too much The Walking Dead. But long after I grew bored of the TV series, I continued having the same weird dreams whenever I ate meat.

Nowadays, meat doesn’t always lead to zombies, but it always leads to dreams that wake me up when my sister goes to bed (she’s like a vampire). Without a doubt, what I eat has a huge impact on the quality of my sleep.

And I’m not alone.

In his book, Fast Asleep, Dr. Michael Mosley offers practical tips on how to get a good night’s sleep based on recent and thorough research, from the type of routine you should follow to the foods you should eat to improve your sleep.

Though food affects each one of us differently — not everyone will have zombie dreams when they dine meat — there are some foods that have been scientifically proven to increase our odds of getting some revitalizing shut-eye.



Alexa V.S.
Mind Cafe

Certified INFJ. Health & Fitness enthusiast. Fellow writer.