Embrace the Japanese Concept of “Ma” To Be More Creative, Less Over-Burdened, and More at Peace

Ma kicks efficiency culture in the balls

Charlie Brown
Mind Cafe


Photo by Daniel Jensen on Unsplash

When it comes to sitting still, I can’t do it.

If I have a moment of quiet, it needs to be filled. Every idle walk has to count towards my daily steps. Every book or article I read has to have the potential to inspire an article of my own.

I’m also extremely inefficient at this which means I spend a lot of time thinking about filling up my time whilst I lounge on the sofa watching Gilmore Girls and feeling horribly guilty about it.

It turns out that I do not (yet) possess Ma.

Ma is the Japanese concept of negative space. Its sometimes described as a “pause in time.” Whilst the concept is often used in a physical sense — the negative space in a drawing or architecture — it’s just as relevant in life too.

Ma is when you find the space for nothing. For being idle. For not cramming your over-stimulated brain with yet more content, more noise, more everything.

The benefits of Ma are stratospheric. We’re talking about becoming more creative, we’re talking about being at peace with ourselves.



Charlie Brown
Mind Cafe

Writer of opinions. Wine & food pro. Editor of Rooted, a boostable Medium food & drink pub. Niche-avoidant. Also at thesaucemag.substack.com