Escape The Shackles of a Boring 9–5

Live for today, without quitting that job you hate.

Jon Hawkins
Mind Cafe


Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

13 years and two months.

That’s how long the average person spends at work during their lifetime.

It’s very easy to fall into a 9–5 trap — working a job you hate, 5 days a week. After all, the pay and incentives are good — you’ve gotten comfortable and complacent with how easy the work is.

But while in that trap, you can’t help but despise your day to day life. It’s become a chore, and you have lost all sense of purpose.

You can’t help but count down the days until the end of the week.

Like groundhog day, you’ve entered into a vicious repetitive cycle— caught in a state of auto-drive, you start doing your daily chores without paying attention. And with that, you forget the small details of life.

Instead, your mind is fixated on the moment you will be granted a 2-day release from the shackles of work.

At this point, you really are living for the weekend.

Problem is, your time on Earth is limited — each passing second brings you one step closer to the end of your time here. Each day carries with it an important weight: you need to make the most of each second; and utilise each day to the fullest.



Jon Hawkins
Mind Cafe

Asking questions, seeking answers. I write articles which help you better understand the universe and your place in it.