Finding Great Friends is Like Dating

You’ll have to go through many before you find “the ones”

Brooke Meredith
Mind Cafe


image by Woody Kelly from

Throughout my life, I’ve always had a couple of emotionally deep, close friends at any given time. Upon moving to Europe in 2013, I blossomed, found more confidence, and cultivated a slightly wider circle of awesome friends.

During four years of living there, I had around eight emotionally deep, supportive, fun friendships. I felt as though I could confide in each of them, and it seemed they felt generally the same about me. I met with every one of them weekly, at a cafe for tea and coffee, to go to the gym, to stroll the city, to take a day trip elsewhere in Germany, to wander a museum or have a picnic, you name it.

I was friends with both men and women from a variety of places and cultures. They were American, French, German, Indian, Persian, Czech, and English. Some were my age. A few of them were five to eight years younger. One was several years older than me, and another was some decades older. I loved this. Having such a diverse group of friends was fascinating, enriching, and so fun.

Since returning from Europe (about four years ago now), I have reconnected with the close friends I left here. A man in New Hampshire with whom I’ve been good friends since we were sixteen. A woman who is a couple of…

