Five Habits of Truly Pessimistic People

Psychologists say a glass-half-empty attitude takes a toll on both your mental and physical health.

Ana Writes
Mind Cafe


Woman sitting in front of body of water with her hands on her temples looking stressed
Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

My best friend in college was a textbook pessimist. She had a constant negative attitude towards everything and was perpetually unable to see the bright side.

These habits slowly started rubbing off on me and I didn’t realize until I spent a semester abroad away from her. Having a break from constantly needing to be pessimistic showed me how my attitude was truly affecting everything from my school work to my friendships.

After coming back from my semester abroad, I stopped talking to this person and noticed that I became more approachable to other people. After talking to them, they told me that the reason they never talked to me before was that they thought I was so negative, always looking at the glass as half empty and never giving anything a chance.

Pessimism can not only affect your relationships but also take a toll on your physical health as well. Avoid becoming a textbook pessimistic by recognizing the signs and red flags. With time, you can change your attitude towards a more healthy outlook.

1. Pessimists Only Focus on Flaws and Weaknesses

