Five Science-Based Traits of People Who Need to Please Others

Psychologists help explain the reasons behind people-pleasing behaviors.

Alberto Romero
Mind Cafe
Published in
5 min readApr 5, 2021


Source: Pana Kutlumpasis in Pixabay

As social beings, we care about others’ opinions as much as they care about ours. Some people care so much that they seem to live by and for others. This is the core of people-pleasing behaviors.

It’s happened to all of us that we’ve agreed to something we didn’t want to. Or hid a feeling that wanted to be expressed. Or tried to be friends with everyone. Or avoided conflict in purpose. However, when our lives revolve around these behaviors we may be victims of people-pleasing.

Psychology has unveiled some mysteries of these behaviors. Here are five science-based traits of people-pleasers.

“Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner.”

— Lao Tzu

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