Five Useful Tips for Reframing Negative Thoughts

Five tips I use when trying to move from a negative to a positive mindset.

Veronica Head
Mind Cafe


It can be easy to lose yourself in negative thoughts on a bad day, or to lose sight of your goals and optimistic mindset. But still, we’re always left to choose how we perceive what happens to us how we react.

Here are some thoughts, practices, & mindsets that I’ve found helpful when trying to reframe a negative mindset.

1. This is Water

This saying comes from one of my favourite speeches by David Foster Wallace. It’s definitely worth a full listen, or at least the abridged version if you can only spare a few minutes.

In it, he describes two fish swimming. One turns to the other and asks “How’s the water today?” The fish replies “What is water?”

The metaphor goes something like this — we are the fish and life is the water. It’s the daily minutiae that we lose ourselves in. Your job, the traffic on the drive home, the meaningless of it all. When we get lost in it, we function at our default settings — allowing life to wash over us.

But what if instead, we made a conscious choice to think? To think intentionally about the world around us, and to choose how we see life and these…



Veronica Head
Mind Cafe

Impact Driven Engineer & Entrepreneur | Passionate about the Future of Work | Venture for America, Goodbets, Boost