Forget Genius — What Society Needs Is More “Scenius”

Talent is nothing without community

Benny Carts
Mind Cafe


Image by author

What comes to mind when you hear the word genius?

Perhaps it’s Beethoven’s 5th Symphony, Picasso’s Guernica, or Einstein’s theory of relativity.

Superhumans with greatness ingrained in their genes.

Towering individuals blessed with God-given abilities.

But what if I told you genius isn’t solely one person’s brilliance? Suppose what we call genius is merely the visible tip of an iceberg — underneath which thrives a vibrant network of influences, ideas, and shared knowledge.

This web of interconnections is what musician Brian Eno calls “scenius” — and it will change the way you look at human excellence forever.

The genius within all of us

Eno’s concept posits that, rather than being individual, intelligence is the creation of the community. When we look back at history’s greats, each one drew from an active, flourishing cultural scene. When so many are deprived of such fertile soil, it’s no wonder genius rarely blooms.

We’re all unequal, and therein lies our strength. Every single person, by virtue of their birth, possesses a unique combination of talents and gifts. It’s just…

