Four 2020 Mindsets to Leave Behind in 2021

It’s finally time to look to the future.

Steve QJ
Mind Cafe


Photo by Catalin Pop on Unsplash

Let’s not sugarcoat it; 2020 was pretty brutal. A worldwide pandemic, bubbling racial tensions, record levels of unemployment, and an attempted coup, taught us how quickly life can change. And also, how quickly an intolerable situation can start to feel normal.

The past twelve months taught us how resilient we can be, but they also forced us to adopt certain survival mindsets to keep us sane. You might not have noticed them seeping into your thinking as you grappled with 2020’s endless challenges, but now that we can look back, it’s much easier to notice them and let them go.

Hindsight is 2020 after all. (Yes, I’ve been waiting for months to use that pun).

“Everything is awful”

Nobody could blame you for picking up a little cynicism on your way through 2020. The trials of last year revealed humanity’s most childish and selfish instincts, highlighted the incompetence of our leaders, and challenged our faith in the institutions meant to protect us. But while all of that was going on, communities pulled together, they supported each other, and they found all kinds of ways to add a little magic into each other’s lives.



Steve QJ
Mind Cafe

Race. Politics. Culture. Sometimes other things. Almost always polite. Find more at