4 Ways To Recognize A Highly Intelligent Person

That have nothing to do with a high IQ

Matt Lillywhite
Mind Cafe



We have a misguided belief that highly intelligent people know everything.

My high-school classmate, Jake, believed intelligence was the sole ability to recite various dates, facts, and figures. But when situations arose where he had to be emotionally or linguistically intelligent, Jake was like a fish out of water. He was clueless.

Of course, being able to recite information from memory is an important part of intelligence. However, being a know-it-all is just one tiny piece of a much bigger puzzle.

Here are several ways to recognize a highly intelligent person:

They Practice Humility When They Don’t Know The Answer

“There’s no shame in admitting what you don’t know,” said Neil deGrasse Tyson. “The only shame is pretending you know all the answers.”

One of my friends works in HR for a large company. Let’s call him Tim. Anyway, he told me about a litmus test he uses to determine whether or not to hire someone.

“I ask interviewees questions that they won’t know the answer to,” said Tim during a conversation.



Matt Lillywhite
Mind Cafe

Full-time storyteller. Want to earn a living from writing? I'll teach you how to get started — https://mattlillywhite.substack.com