From Envy to Empowerment: How to Transform Comparison into Personal Growth
The key is not to compare yourself to others less. Instead, it’s to compare more often, but better.
We are social creatures, so we can’t avoid comparing ourselves to others.
Comparisons are essential to monitoring our progress and ensuring we remain on pace with our peers.
However, comparison can turn toxic when it becomes a battle of keeping up with the Joneses. At these times, seeing life as a winner-take-all competition can make you resentful, angry, and impulsive.
So how can you keep comparison from ruining your life? The ironic solution is not to avoid comparison but to engage in it more effectively.
Fun fact:
Did you know you are more likely to go bankrupt if your neighbor wins the lottery? It’s true and an extreme example of comparison gone wrong.
A Little Story About Me and the Green-Eyed Monster of Envy
I was driving from the hospital where I worked to the clinic where I had a successfully practiced. It was a beautiful, clear summer day on the Lake Michigan coast, and the warm amber rays of the rising sun gave everything a magical…