Grigor Perelman (4th Most Intelligent Person in the World) Outlines His Counter-Intuitive Secrets to Lasting Happiness

And you don't need a monster I.Q or be a productivity freak to do them

Damian Clark
Mind Cafe


Grigor Perelman. Intelligence. Smartest man in the world.
Photo by George M. Bergman on Wikimedia Commons

Girgori Yakovlevish Perelman, the 4th smartest person alive, spends his time in a field picking mushrooms. When he could be a high-paid professor at Harvard or Cambridge (he did have his choice.)

He lives a secluded life on the outskirts of Saint Petersburg, Russia, looking after his elderly mother.

He is a mathematical genius. And knows the one ingredient to happiness.

Perelman in 2006 quit professional mathematics. In so doing, he walked through the gateway to freedom and happiness.

Perelman was born on 13 June 1966, in Saint Petersburg, Russia, to Jewish parents. Lyubov, his mother, gave up her job to foster Grigori when his mathematical talents were identified at 10 years old.

He quickly accelerated through advanced mathematics and physics programs through high school and university.

After working at various American universities, including Berkeley, he returned to Russia. In 1994, he took a lesser research position at Steklov Institute in Saint Petersburg.



Damian Clark
Mind Cafe

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