What Makes Authentic People so Special

Here’s what they do differently.

Sira Mas
Mind Cafe


Image: iStock

We’re all born beautiful and unique. Sadly, many of us are convinced of the opposite. In fact, most people believe they’re not enough.

However, authentic people know everyone is different. They know real beauty resides in unicity and are not interested in chasing perfection or status. They don’t worry about other people’s validation.

Authentic people know not everyone will like them, and they’re fine with that. They prefer to be themselves and be valued by fewer people for who they are, than to be appreciated by everyone for who they pretend to be.

If we take a closer look at these people, we’ll see they tend to have in common the following qualities, which also make them stand out.

They Are Selfless

Being selfless doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t care about your own happiness and wellbeing. It means you tend to care more about others than about yourself, and you’re able to be happy for them even when they have more than you.

Authentic people help others because they genuinely want to, not because of externally-influenced obligation or to obtain something.

According to an interesting article published in Psychology Today,



Sira Mas
Mind Cafe

Writer, Coach | Thrive Global, Entrepreneur, POF, Ladders