Have You Become Comfortable Being Unhappy?

How to find out if you’ve become content dealing with the same old troubles.

Richard Michael Hui
Mind Cafe


When we think of comfort, feeling good and having a pleasant time comes to mind. From sleeping in a warm bed when it’s cold outside, or enjoying the scenery of the world going by at the park, or even just being glad to be alive at this moment in time.

Being comfortable is a happy feeling to have.

But what if you could be comfortable being unhappy and dissatisfied with your life?

What if the reason 95% of all the self-help articles you’ve read don’t work is that, subconsciously, you’re more comfortable staying dissatisfied and unhappy than you are serious about change?

Would you know if you were?

1. You’ve Associated Being Comfortable With Being Happy

The problem begins when you can only be happy when you’re comfortable. When your happiness involves never putting yourself into any uncomfortable situations, you’ve found yourself in quicksand.

If happiness were like fruits on a tree, being happy with being comfortable meant you’d only ever get the low-hanging ones, not bothering to put in the effort to climb up and reach the juicier and…



Richard Michael Hui
Mind Cafe

Self-Help and Personal Development Enthusiast | Introspective Introvert | Explorer of Our Odd Behaviour