Here’s How to Stop Yourself From Buying All Those Things You Don’t Need

The science behind our inability to stop shopping consumerism.

Jerren Gan
Mind Cafe


Image by gonghuimin468 from Pixabay

Nowadays, with so many new things entering the market, the consuming never seems to end. From getting the latest tech devices to using retail as a way to destress (also known as ‘retail therapy’), shopping and buying is something that has become deeply embedded into our society.

And it’s not like we aren’t aware of the evils of consumerism. Many of us can agree that Nestle is a company that causes numerous issues in developing countries. Amazon is known to be a company that actively prevents unions from forming, and the factories that make those coveted Apple smartphones have been plagued by the suicides of its workers. Yet, we continue to buy things from these companies, even if we don’t really need the items that we are buying.

Selling You Things is a Science

In reality, consumerism isn’t totally your fault. From huge corporations to small shops, retailers are all interested in getting you to buy more. And with enough time and resources, patterns emerge and retailers capitalize on these to get you to spend more money.

For example, consumers tend to believe that the price of an object is lower when…



Jerren Gan
Mind Cafe

Systems Engineer and Physicist | Writing about the environment, mental health, science, and how all of them come together to create society as we know it.