How A Ukrainian Scientist Found the Secret to Health No One Saw Coming

I’ll start with his story. Then I’ll share his research. You can judge for yourself after that

Andy Murphy
Mind Cafe


Photo by Alex Hiller on Unsplash

In 1946, a young Ukrainian man named Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko joined the First Medical Institute of Moscow to study medicine.

There was nothing unusual about this except his first assignment: he was tasked with monitoring the breathing habits of terminally ill patients prior to their death.

As uncommon as this was, he took his role very seriously. And by the end of his time, he could predict with incredible accuracy, often to the minute, the time of death of each patient.

He did this by noticing that as each patient’s condition deteriorated, their breathing increased. And this simple observation inspired a question that shaped much of his lifelong work:

If respiration rate increases, does health decline?

A few years later, he became the subject of his own inquiry when he was diagnosed with malignant hypertension. Malignant hypertension is a fatal form of blood pressure which the doctors gave him just 12 months to live.

