How Belief Can Reshape Your Thought Processes

What we think, we become.

Lori Jackson
Mind Cafe


Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

It was around Christmas time when I received a “BELIEVE” sign as a gift from a friend. My oldest daughter soon claimed it as her own, and she hung it proudly above her bed.

While the sign may have been intended to inspire a belief in Santa or the general Christmas spirit, for my daughter, it represented something more. It became her motto or mantra and a reminder for me as well. Every time I walked into her room, I saw my responsibility, as a parent, to let her know I believed in her.

The word “believe” can be applied in several different ways. It can reference your religious faith (“I believe in God”). The trustworthiness with which you credit an individual (“I believe my friend had my best interests in mind”). Or the confidence you have in your abilities (“I believe in myself).”

Sometimes we are our own worst enemy. We want to feel confident in our abilities, but often it is we who doubt them the most. Self-doubt is one of the biggest hurdles to overcome. Our discouragement and skepticism can drown out our desire to find success.

I can’t count how many times I’ve heard someone say, “You can do anything you set your mind to.” But do we believe it?

I Believe I Can



Lori Jackson
Mind Cafe

Tandem biker, lemon lover, and wisdom searcher. You can follow Lori’s writing by subscribing below.