How Daily Habit Tracking Can Give You the Ability to Achieve Anything

Habit tracking can change your life if you do it right

Sam Holstein
Mind Cafe


Photo by DreamLens Production:

We all know what it’s like to have a day where we get nothing done. You know the feeling; sitting in your office chair, staring at the wall, thinking about your endless to-do list and all the things you could have gotten done today if only you weren’t… what were you doing again? Staring at the wall?

Constant productivity is bad for your mental health. But there’s a big difference between mindfully spending time enjoying life instead of working and staring at the wall in a fugue state. I don’t know anyone who feels guilty about not getting anything done after hiking in the mountains, but many people know the feeling of shame after wasting a day playing candy crush.

Someone I love is trapped in a cycle of doing this. At the end of most workdays, she proclaims to me “Oh my god! The day is almost over and I haven’t gotten anything done!” Sometimes she will make a mad dash to squeeze something into that last hour and a half of the day, but more frequently she will say “Fuck it, I’ll try again tomorrow.” And the day after that, and the day after that…

Ideally, you should find yourself at the end of most days satisfied with the amount of work you put in. If you find…



Sam Holstein
Mind Cafe

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