How “Going to Sea” Helped Me Reclaim the Magic of Solitude

Christopher Kokoski
Mind Cafe
Published in
5 min readJun 18, 2023


Cruise Ship — How “Going to Sea” Helped Me Reclaim the Magic of Solitude
Image from Canva

When I decided to take my kids on a five-day cruise to the Bahamas aboard the Carnival Elation, I had little idea that the voyage would help me rediscover an often-overlooked gift — the magic of solitude.

There’s something extraordinary about looking out at the boundless ocean from a small stateroom, disconnected from the clamor of everyday life.

You realize that solitude doesn’t mean loneliness. Instead, it’s an intimate rendezvous with yourself, a moment to reflect and reorient and reconnect.

Here’s what happened and how you can do it, too.

The Voyage Begins

Our home for the duration of the cruise was a snug stateroom located at the very front of the ship.

Our living quarters were modest, boasting two portholes that offered a mesmerizing view of the sea. There was an air of anticipation as the ship eased out of the harbor, and we watched, wide-eyed, as the shoreline gradually blurred into a distant haze.

The city’s chaos slowly faded away, replaced by the tranquil rhythm of the sea.

I felt an immediate sense of peace envelop me. I was embarking on a journey that promised not just exotic destinations but also a chance to immerse myself in the rejuvenating solitude the sea offered.

I was finally “going to sea.”

Two Full Days at Sea

The two days we spent traversing the sea were undoubtedly the most transformative.

There’s something humbling about the sheer scale of the ocean — an expanse so vast that it puts everything into perspective. Watching the ceaseless ebb and flow of the waves, I couldn’t help but draw parallels to my life.

The ups and downs, the tides of change, the ebbs and flows of circumstances — all seemed to reflect in the restless ocean. In those quiet, reflective moments, I found clarity and peace within myself that I had lost in the bustle of everyday life.

Discovering Solitude

In the beginning, the idea of being isolated in a small room with my two children seemed…quaint but challenging.

However, the gentle rocking of the ship and the soothing sound of waves crashing against its hull brought a sense of calm and harmony to our shared space.

We laughed, shared stories, and created memories, all while the mighty ocean kept us company. And when the children retreated to their dreams, I found myself alone, yet not lonely, gazing into the endless sea.

The Magic of Solitude at Sea

For some, solitude may sound like a punishment, a forced isolation from the world.

But as I stood in the tiny room, gazing out at the vastness of the ocean, I felt liberated. In those precious hours, I was able to disconnect from the world and turn my attention inward.

The solitude allowed me to confront my fears and anxieties, examine my dreams and ambitions, and contemplate the vastness of life.

Touching the Shores of Nassau and Princess Cay

Visiting the vibrant city of Nassau and the tranquil beaches of Princess Cay, I carried the solitude of the sea with me.

While exploring the city’s historic sites and the island’s white sand beaches, I found moments of solitude amidst the crowd — a silent conversation with the past, a peaceful gaze into the azure waters.

These islands offered an escape from reality, much like the solitude of the sea, and reminded me of the importance of taking moments to breathe, reflect, and enjoy the simplicity of existence.

Reclaiming the Magic

As we sailed back to our regular lives, I carried the sea’s magic and the rejuvenating solitude within me.

The trip was more than a vacation; it was a journey towards self-discovery, a reminder to appreciate the quiet moments and the blissful solitude they bring. It was about finding peace amidst chaos, clarity amidst uncertainty, and the courage to face the world with renewed perspective and energy.

My journey to the Bahamas aboard the Carnival Elation offered more than just an escape — it was a therapeutic journey that helped me reclaim the magic of solitude.

The sea, with its rhythmic tranquility and vastness, served as a catalyst for introspection and self-discovery, reminding me that the magic of solitude lies in its ability to offer clarity, peace, and a renewed understanding of self.

Solitude at Sea: A Universal Experience

Interestingly, one doesn’t need to embark on a cruise ship or travel to distant islands to experience the magic of solitude.

The “sea” is more of a metaphor, representing a boundless, serene, and vast space where one can connect with themselves. Whether you live in a bustling city or a quiet countryside, the magic of solitude can be reclaimed anywhere.

Finding Your “Sea”

The idea is to create a personal space — your own “sea” — where you can escape the noise of the world and delve into introspection.

This space could be a quiet corner of your house, a secluded spot in a park, or even a calming view from a window. Just like the ceaseless ebb and flow of the sea, this personal “sea” should provide a sense of peace and tranquility, offering a mirror to your thoughts and emotions.

Benefits of Solitude

Just as the sea invites us to ponder, solitude offers immense benefits to mental health.

It enhances self-awareness, builds resilience, and provides an opportunity for self-discovery. While social connections are important, there’s something enriching about spending time alone, analyzing our thoughts, reflecting on our actions, and mapping our dreams.

Cultivating the Practice of Solitude

Start by setting aside a certain amount of time each day for solitude.

It doesn’t have to be long — even a few minutes of quiet reflection can make a difference. Use this time to disconnect from the world, take a deep breath, and reflect.

Be comfortable with your thoughts, confront your fears, celebrate your achievements, and chart your future course. Like standing at the deck of a ship looking out into the infinite ocean, let your mind roam free, unrestricted by boundaries.

The Sea Within You

Finding solitude isn’t about isolating yourself.

Instead, it’s about discovering the “sea” within you. Like the mysterious depths of the ocean, we all have undiscovered depths within us. Take a dive into your inner self.

Explore the unexplored. Let the waves of thoughts flow freely. Remember, the tumultuous waves eventually find their calm, and so will your thoughts.

Reclaiming the Magic

Just as my journey on the Carnival Elation reconnected me with the magic of solitude, so can your journey into your personal “sea.”

It’s about finding a balance between the cacophony of life and the tranquility of solitude. Go ahead, find your “sea,” embark on that journey, and reclaim the magic of solitude.

Final Thoughts

My voyage to the Bahamas on the Carnival Elation didn’t just take me across the sea. It sailed me into the depths of my being.

It made me realize that the magic of solitude isn’t confined to the vastness of the ocean but can be found in the quiet corners of our daily lives. Solitude isn’t about being alone.

It’s about being with yourself.

And it is in these solitary moments that we can reflect, rejuvenate, and rediscover ourselves.



Christopher Kokoski
Mind Cafe

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